
Igor BeloffPrime Minister
The Prime Minister leads the Cabinet, coordinates the overall work of the government and represents it inside and outside the state.
About the minister
Igor Beloff
Date and place of birth: 13/08/1983, Riga, Latvia
Education: professional university degree – (Faculty of Economy of the Institute of Transport and Communications)
Minister of North Barchant Kingdom: since 2016

Katherine MoonMinistry of Foreign Affairs
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs is responsible for establishing diplomatic relationship with other microstates, establishing cooperation with international organizations. The Ministry develops a common strategy for the foreign policy of the Kingdom of North Barchant and protects the rights and interests of the citizens in the international stage.
About the minister
Katherine Moon
Date and place of birth: 22/08/1981, Latvia, Riga.
Education: university degree – the University of Latvia
Minister of North Barchant Kingdom: since 2016

Otto TrampiterMinistry of Health
The Ministry of Health is responsible for development of public health policy, including actions to disease prevention and health improvement, health education among the citizens of the Kingdom.
About the minister
Otto Trampiter (Oleg Trubachev)
Date and place of birth: 03/03/1968, Latvia, Riga
Education: graduated from Moscow Institute of Dentistry named after Semashko when he was a medical resident.
Worked as a trainee in the USA for 1 year, studied homeopathy in London and India as well as in Russia and Belgium. A trainee of a leading professor of homeopathy Ajit Kulkarni.
Minister of North Barchant Kingdom: since 2016

Viktor MiroshnichenkoMinistry of Finance
The Ministry of Finance is responsible for operation of the financial system of the Kingdom of North Barchant, issuance of currency and attraction of investments.
About the minister
Viktor Miroshnichenko
Date and place of birth: 01/04/1975, Latvia, Riga
Education: university degree – (MBA Moscow, Analysis of Financial Risks)
Minister of North Barchant Kingdom: since 2019

Gleb KorolefMinistry of Culture
The Ministry of Culture is responsible for arrangement and coverage of cultural and recreational events for the citizens of North Barchant.
About the minister
Gleb Koroleff
Date and place of birth: 10/08/1988, Latvia, Riga
1) Master of Music” Hochschule für Musik und Tanz, Köln – 2017 (Music and Dance High School, Cologne, 2017)
2) “Master of Music, Kammermusik” Folkwang Universität für Musik, Essen – 2018 (Chamber music,tThe Folkwang University of the Arts, Essen, 2018)
3) “Master of Arts, Solistenausbildung” in Mozarteum, Salzburg. – 2018 (the University Mozarteum, Salzburg, 2018)
Minister of North Barchant Kingdom: since 2019

AARO MIRODepartment of State Security
The Department of Security is responsible for safeguarding the sovereignty of the Kingdom of North Barchant, protecting its virtual resources and data, registers breach of legislation of the state.
About the minister
Aaro Miro
Date and place of birth: 18/10/1963, Gorodok, Belarus
Education: Orshan Colledge of Railway Transport. Faculty of Power Supply and Power Utilities. 1979-1983. Belarus Polytechnic Institute. 1987-1990, 3 years. Incomplete higher education. Secondary-level technic education.
Minister of North Barchant Kingdom: since 2016