Virtual Kingdom of North Barсhant in grief and solidarity with the Philippines: Queen Anne witnesses an environmental disaster!
On this emotion-filled spring trip, Queen Anne of the North Barchant visited the beautiful Philippines. However, instead of soaking up the beauty and bounty of this amazing country, her heart was broken when she was faced with a horrific environmental disaster created by the oil spill from a tanker and the huge amount of rubbish that filled the coast.
Francis R Malasig/EPA
During her visit, Queen Anne witnessed the devastating impact of the oil spill on the Philippine marine ecosystem. Seeing animals and birds struggling to survive and beaches flooded with oil slicks, she felt bitterness and sorrow. The tragedy had caused considerable damage to marine life and the local community, as well as alarming worldwide.
Photograph: Eloisa Lopez/Reuters
However, it was equally staggering to see how much rubbish lies on the Philippine coast. Plastic waste and debris filled the beaches, endangering local animals and birds as well as polluting the environment. This caused Queen Anne's deep regret and determination to take action.
Photo by The Guardian